clipboard history

Monarch’s Clipboard History allows you to keep track of everything you copy without having to worry about losing important or frequently used data such as text, images, or links. Monarch keeps everything you copy in a searchable and editable history. To access Clipboard History, open Monarch and press TAB to Mode Change.

This is a feature that anyone can use, but there are some very specific scenarios in which clipboard history is especially helpful:

Students Researching a topic for a paper or exam, you can collect links, excerpts, screenshots and files that you can easily search through later while actually writing your paper.

Developers Keeping snippets of code: Your favorite CSS classes, code output from ChatGPT, and frequently used functions all renamed so that you can find them much faster and reuse them any time you need.

Designers Storing screenshots of landing pages, and web components that catch your eye, then renaming them and pasting them into a Figma project later.

Anyone Storing useful links that coworkers share on Slack, links to relevant things in Google Drive,, or Google Sheets data can be stored in your clipboard history to be more easily searchable than ever before.

Using Clipboard History

clipboard history

Up/down arrow keys

You can use the up and down arrow keys to move through items one at a time through your clipboard history.

Autopaste with ENTER

While viewing an item in your history, you can press ENTER at any time to automatically paste the content into the active app you summoned Monarch over.

Recopy with ⌘ + C

Sometimes you want to copy something, but not paste it into the currently active app. In this case, you can simply press ⌘ + C and recopy the item as you normally would.

Pin items with ⌘ + P

Some things are so important that you always want them accessible, or you use them so frequently that you need them on-hand at all times. For this use case, you can pin the item to the top of your clipboard history with ⌘ + P.

You can still rename pinned clipboard items!

NOTE: Pinned items in Monarch are considered to be important, so you cannot delete them with CTRL + Backspace until you first unpin them. Even when you run the Clear Clipboard History command from root search, pinned items will still remain.

Editing clipboard text entries

Text entries can be edited at any time. Simply hover over the item and the Edit button will appear. Click the Edit button, and the content will appear in a text box. Edit the text and hit the Save button to update the item.

Delete clipboard items with CTRL + Backspace

If you want to delete an item from the clipboard history, hold CTRL and press Backspace. Be careful as this is permanent and there is currently no way to recover deleted items.

Searching clipboard history

Searching your clipboard history is as easy as typing what you are looking for into the search bar.

clipboard history

Filtering clipboard items

You can filter clipboard items by clicking the top right dropdown menu and selecting the type of content you want to filter for. Monarch has filters for:

  • Application (Google Chrome, Obsidian, etc)
  • Text
  • Links / URLs
  • Images

Pausing clipboard history

If for any reason you want or need to temporarily prevent copied items from being stored in your clipboard history you can press the “Pause Clipboard” (⌘+SHIFT+P). To resume recording items to your clipboard history, press the “Resume Clipboard” button.

Renaming clipboard items

Renaming clipboard items allows you to easily recall clipboard items later using names that are meaningful to you. To rename a clipboard item, press ⌘ + R and enter a name.

Multi-select pasting

Monarch allows you to paste multiple items at once to save you time. To select multiple items, hold SHIFT and press the down arrow, or to skip around you can click different items while holding SHIFT.


For privacy and security reasons, Clipboard History is disabled when copying content from the following applications. Any content copied from these applications will not be stored:

  • Keychain Access
  • 1Password
  • Bitwarden
  • Enpass
  • Dashlane
  • Lastpass
  • Keeper
  • Keeppass
  • Nordpass
  • Strongbox