Instant Send
Instant Send lets you take actions on highlighted text, files, folders, and URLs using Monarch.
How to use Instant Send
To use Instant Send, first you need to highlight some text, a file, folder, or a URL. Then invoke Instant Send via the shortcut that you set in your Settings > Manage keyboard shortcuts
. The default shortcut is ⌥ + I
Performing actions
The actions that appear when you invoke Instant Send depend on what you have selected. Here’s what you can do:
Files and Folders
Open with presents you with a list of your applications that you can open this file or folder with. Great for opening things in non-default applications.
Move to allows you to select a location to move this file or folder to.
Copy to allows you to select a location to copy this file or folder to.
Move to Trash will send the selected file(s) or folder(s) to the Trash.
Permanently delete will completely destroy the file(s) or folder(s). This action is irreversible. If you aren’t sure you want to permanently delete something, move it to the Trash instead.
Copy file path will copy the path of the file to your clipboard.
Highlighted text
There are many different text transformation actions that you can take, such as camel casing or kebab casing the highlighted text.
Using highlighted text as any Superlink to parameter by searching for either the Superlink name, or the parameter name.
URL actions
Highight a URL and use Instant Send to peform the following useful actions with it:
Create Superlink will open the form to create a new Superlink for Monarch using the highlighted URL as the starting point.
Copy clean URL will remove excess text and symbols from the currently highlighted URL and copy it to the clipboard.