Monarch allows you to create Reminders that sync with Apple Reminders directly in Monarch, giving you access to all of your tasks in one second. There are both easy and advanced ways to create Reminders in Monarch. This guide will show you both.

NOTE: If you cannot create a Reminder via Quick Reminder, you probably need to enable permissions for Reminders. To do so, simply run the View Reminders command

Create a Reminder

Create Reminder command

Use the Create Reminder command to bring up a form that allows you to create a new reminder.

Quick Reminder

More advanced users of Monarch can create a reminder directly from the main search by typing the letter “r” followed by a space. From here, you can type out your reminder using the following format.

r(space) (some task to comlete) (at some time in the future) (!, !!, or !!!)

Here’s what this should look like:

Pressing Enter on the above command will save the Quick Reminder with this structure:

Reminder name: Call Michael back
Due date: 2 hours from current time
Priorty: Medium
List: Work

This is the fastest way to create a reminder.

Changing lists with Quick Reminder

The list that Monarch will save the reminder to is shown directly in Quick Reminder command item. To change the list that the reminder will be saved to, press the Option key (⌥) on the right-hand side of the keyboard.

See all Reminders

Mark Reminder as complete

To mark a reminder as complete, go to View Reminders and press enter on the reminder you want to mark as complete. To mark a complete reminder as incomplete, press enter on a completed reminder.

Delete Reminders

To delete a Reminder, you must be viewing your list of reminders (via the View Reminders command) and press CTRL+Backspace on the reminder you want to delete.